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Eencey teencey weencey shmeencey favor???

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Okay, this is the situation. You may have seen the Tao of Gaming link in my profile. It's a Warcraft III forum that I have become involved with in the last few months. There's a great community there (as long as you ignore the fact that most of them are Windows fanatics).

Unfortunately, just yesterday I learned that the webmaster will be abruptly shutting down the site in about a week. The many members of our community will be split apart and we'll lose contact if that happened.

Here's where the favor comes in. I'm not even sure how big a favor it would be because I don't know much about this sort of thing. Is anyone here capable of giving us some space and setting up a backup forum for the members of Tao? If it would be too much trouble for you that's okay, you can ignore this, but if anyone at all is capable of doing this you would have exactly 1,838 new friends. Maybe you don't even have to create a new forum, just make it a part of an already existing one (is there a way to make topic sections appear on different pages? I don't know, like I said I'm clueless). This is the Tao refugees' last hope.

EDIT: Whatever happened to the MES backup forum? Do we really need it anymore? *hint hint*

[ April 09, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: penalized for free thinking ]


technically I could, but I couldn't promise 100% uptime, probably bout 95% uptime.  I could give u as much space as needed, well, no more than 10gigs ok.  Ummm.  I have PHP on my Apache and MySQL.  Ummm.  I won't allow CGI, one I don't know how to set it up, and 2 I heard it was slow because it launches a new process for every request.  Also I would like to be able to use the forum software your using for my own personal site.  Last but not least, it will not be good for downloading, it only goes bout 50kbps on good days.  Its cox cable. But there is good news, it runs off of my PowerMac G4 with OSX.  I also don't have a domain name.  Just go to www.skinner.com/jeffberg to see it if u want... I somtimes play Warcraft III, although never on my Mac, it sucks at Warcraft III.

So if you want to, drop me a line.

I have an XRackhosting account that I would be willing to let you share. That would guarantee you no problems (they have support, etc) and 99.9% uptime. Download speeds are friggin fast too.

One small potential problem: I lost my credit card while I was in the city. There may be a week/week and a half where the site is frozen due to the billing issue...That's tentative though. I don't know how long it's gonna take for them to get me my card.

I would need to know about how big the forum is. Ask the webmaster...

And - they would have to visit my website. And it would be nice if they bought stuff from my store. What else are friends good for?    ;)      :D        

[ April 09, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]

[ April 09, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]

Once xrackhosting.com gets back to me on the MySQL database thingy, we're good to go.


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