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quote:Originally posted by Faust:

WHOA!  You're not old enough to vote?  I had views of you as some 40 year old battle weary uber developer who had "seen it all."    :D  

--- End quote ---

yeah... that's how i see myself too. i wake up every morning (well, when i get off my ass and go to bed) and by back hurts, i think i'm fat and nobody agrees with me. I have to suffer, staring around at all the zombie-like (no pun on anyone's name here) teenagers who have no clue to the real world and suffer their wrath as they dont seem to enjoy rational thought. oh well.

as far as how it is... being a representative government, i agree that this is how it is. but not how it should be. If a law would seriously affect nearly every american i dont think some joe should just sit there and say, "how about we do this? what do you think?" and someone else say "i dont care, doesn't affect me" and then it's a law.

and i think i put my age in my profile, i'll go check.

Does anyone know what the percentage of people who  vote is in the States  :confused:

I think it iss slightly less then 50% of Americans vote in the national elections. it is slightly less then 30% for state elections. We were just talking about this in government so i am prett certain on those numbers.


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