Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Palm Pilot lllc
Why do people think that this is a XP tech support forum of all things?
You would think the readily available profanity would convince them otherwise.
Someone should just lock this entire post and be done with it.
OK. You're right.
now, windowsxpuser697374who4628gives389a371fuck363? is obviously an M$ employee, and may well be a dumbassed moron. At a stretch, this may all be part of his so called sense of humour too.
Regarding the palm/desktop synch issue, my prognosis for anyone in this predicament is: get linux, and leave PalmOS running on your Palm computer. You will find it very simple and problem free to set up so i have heard.
This topic is now closed. The only reason it didn't close sooner is because somebody had asked a question and i wanted to let people answer it.
The fact that i am closing it now is very important as it shows that windowsxpdumbass647841684 has succeeded in his objective of making our discussions on this forum pointless. When a question is asked, i expect the thread to be used for answering the question or for discussion of the topic at hand. It should not be filled up with the half deranged drivellings of a windoid. This sets a dangerous precedent and if it continues, i will be deleting posts instead of closing topics.
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