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Standar Opperating Proceedures for MS O/S
quote:why should he have to go and get NT when he's already coughed up a couple of hundred dollars for WinME?
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Not neccessarily. AR!
I'm also after a distro on CD. Calum, you in the UK? PCW magazine has had distros on their cover DVDs with the latest being Mandrake. Unfortunately it came in the form of 3 ISO images so one would need a CD writer. I'm after Slackware 8.0 and don't fancy a huge download either :( Hopefully I can find some kind soul who has burnt it on CD and can mail it to me. ( hint hint :D ) Failing that it will probably be zipslack for now, 32 megs no X but has most of the development tools.
so, do you have said dvd? i had problems finding anything like that, i have a cdwriter and a dvd drive, so that would be no problem, i'd really like mandrake 8.1 or something. VoidMain advised me not to go for *.0 releases and get one of the *.1 or *.2 releases, as there would be less bugs et c.
Anyway, i have turbolinux 6.1 and red hat 7.0 already, the problem is my laptop. i don't know what's inside and the assemblers (PC Club Australia) won't tell me, it's all winME specific hardware anyway :rolleyes: .
Or if you can tell me if there's a current magazine out with those linux OSs on, i'd be most grateful.
Either that or you might want to PM me to see if we can't arrange some sort of disk mailing arrangement...
yes i am in the UK.
Don't have said DVD coz i don't have a dvd drive ( yet ). I buy the CD version.
Cover DVDs are available for
quote:HaHa, no wonder man. You are using Windows ME(the worst spawn of Win9x). Move your ass over to the NT kernel and things will get better.
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Thanks, but given my experience with MS(gag) software and seeing what MS's(choke) attitude is toward their customers and looking at where MS(retch) is headed, as far as controlling their software and peoples' computers; I feel it would be less painful for me to lower my unprotected scrotum into the slowly turning screw mechanism of an electric meat grinder while being mercilessly pummeled about the face and throat with a sack of discarded doorknobs.
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