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CPU Problem?
Hi my brother is useing suse linux 8.0 on a p4 1600 with a Aopen440bx pro socket 478 motherboard.
just recently his pc started locking up after about 5 minnits of use and after reboot it wont even go to bios screen it does detect the graphixcard etc.. once or twice he got it to bios which also locks up. anyone got a clue as to what the cause of this may be?
he says the cpu is at the right temp and has tryed after removeing all peripherals and all but one ram card..
Master of Reality:
I think I am a moderator... moving this to the lounge. And i dont have any idea what it could be.
quote:Originally posted by Variable:
Hi my brother is useing suse linux 8.0 on a p4 1600 with a Aopen440bx pro socket 478 motherboard.
just recently his pc started locking up after about 5 minnits of use and after reboot it wont even go to bios screen it does detect the graphixcard etc.. once or twice he got it to bios which also locks up. anyone got a clue as to what the cause of this may be?
he says the cpu is at the right temp and has tryed after removeing all peripherals and all but one ram card..
--- End quote ---
P4s have performace throttling to deal with heat, so you can rule that one out.
It sounds like a bad mobo or CPU. If you can dig up another P4, you could swap the procs and see if it works. If it works fine with the swapped CPU, than it's the CPU. If it's still pulling shit with the swapped CPU, it's probably the motherboard.
examine carfully every single capaciter on the mother board. i have lost more then 1 piece of equipment to a shitty electoletic passing into the netherrealm
motherboard, for sure. Just get a new one.
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