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ban xp user

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Chaosforages just can't take it when I show proofs of Windows' superiority to Loonux, so he decides to rally the Linux community to oust me.

Look, those few posts I've made in Linux help forums about "switching to XP" and such were just making fun of how you guys tend to do the same when someone comes into this forum with a Windows problem.  "Use Linux, fool" and "Type format c:\!!!" are your typical responses to Windows users seeking help.  So, why won't you let me have some fun when someone complains about staroffice fucking his opera installation?

actaully, GOODBYE, i think i might go over to the unix.com forums. atleast there there arn't normaly ongoing flame wars or shit like that. just nearly pure technical reference. from what i have read anyway.

Because this is not a Microcrap support site dumb ass.  If we went and posted on M$ support sites like you do on this site then we would get the same crap we are giving you.  Go find an M$ support site and help out some of your mentally challenged friends....

[ June 15, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

why don't the people that need windows help go to the microsoft support pages?

OHHH that's right, because it is friggin expensive and unreliable

we are off the point

xp user, do not post your mindless crap in technical threads.  no one would come here looking for windows tech support.

we are not in it for the money like those redmond bastards.  we would rather kill ourselves promoting a wonderful os than getting paid to further the romantic cause of windows.

I just had a wonderful thought.

What if every copy of Linux and all its source code suddenly ceased to exist?

[ June 15, 2002: Message edited by: Windows XP User #5225982375 ]


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