Author Topic: ban xp user  (Read 1170 times)


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ban xp user
« Reply #15 on: 16 June 2002, 18:01 »
Let him post. Let him do whatever he wants -- this is a public forum, right? If he tries to fuck up a thread, just ignore him.
He does make some valid arguments, and he makes this forum a more, err, intresting place.


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ban xp user
« Reply #16 on: 16 June 2002, 19:23 »
i agree I've posted twice and have had XP take over and all the responses are directed towards him instead of my question..IGNORE him and he will go away..unless he likes talking to himself  or playing with himself..remember ignore his posts and he will responding to him he's getting what he wants disruption...


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ban xp user
« Reply #17 on: 16 June 2002, 20:52 »
Or we could find him and shove his keyboard up his ass.  Then he'd have to type with his dick, and since he's obviously dickless, that'd be the end of him.  :D    :D    :D    :D
I'm SERIOUS about Linux; are you??


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ban xp user
« Reply #18 on: 16 June 2002, 21:20 »
Well, for all of those who keep saying that this is a public forum and he has a right to post whatever he wants here, they are wrong.  It is *not* a public forum.  It is the webmaster's forum.  He can decide what content is allowed on this site and what is not just like any other site/forum.  Now, it is webmaster's choice not to ban the idiots who come here trying to hijack his forums.  We have to live with that.  I suppose you could argue one way or the other whether banning them is a good or bad idea.  

On one hand, you ban them and you can then keep your site full of meaningful content supporting the theme of your site.  On the other hand, you let the trolls on the site then people can see them for what they are.  In my opinion, if they troll and then disappear after a short while then that is fine, but when they consistently hijack every thread and turn it into a grade school argument then they are doing nothing more than wasting our time.  

I used to like to come here and help people with their non-M$ questions but this is the second period of time since I've been coming here that it's more or less a waste of my time to even check the forums.  Which means of course the Bill Gates has won again by paying his trolls to thwart the anti-M$ movement.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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ban xp user
« Reply #19 on: 16 June 2002, 23:44 »
i agree.

Choasforages i suspect may already have gone.

Now i am a mod i have to stay till the end, or until it becomes ridiculous, but i sympathise with you guys.

the antidumbass measures do not seem to be working, and i think some sort of regulation is in order again.

The help threads should be limited to non bitch posts.

Any bitchy posts (ie anything not technical) can be done in a new topic, or non technical existing topic. Why many people fail to grasp this is beyond me.

All you 'don't be scared he's just different' people have no idea. I think people should be able to say what they like. This includes constantly flaming XP User if they want. However, there is a structure to this board and there's a reason for that.

To those who want to come here for tech stuff more than political stuff, i suggest sticking to the unix forum, and the lounge. I personally will be attempting to do my bit to keep those clean as a priority over the microsoft section, which is where i would expect bitchiness to occur.

I can only do what is in my power, maybe it's time for some rallying round.

edit: i just checked the lounge, and the unix forums, and while there are quite a few argument forums, and not many technical forums open, i think i can say that few of the recent technical forums have been hijacked, so that's okay.

We'll see...

[ June 16, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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