Author Topic: Thanks MS, and get out of the way...  (Read 646 times)


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Thanks MS, and get out of the way...
« on: 21 December 2002, 05:07 »
Just reading this article, its just one of many articles written by the lord himself.

I can say i agree with the most of this, except most companys are looking to Linux with an Open Mind. They most likly see that it cant be beaten, and if you cant beatem joinem!

Here is another article on why we should just compete with Microsoft, and net let it be broken
up and blah blah blah

And of cource its stupid companys in general

I still think that Microsoft is the number #1 obstical in the way of freedom on the internet. And it also is destroying innovation and development.


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Thanks MS, and get out of the way...
« Reply #1 on: 21 December 2002, 07:23 »
If Microsoft goes down or adopts some friendlier strategies, then we will have a bunch of corporations who have learned how to do things by working with or competing with Microsoft on the market. That cannot be good.


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Thanks MS, and get out of the way...
« Reply #2 on: 21 December 2002, 18:43 »
I prefer the aggreement Microsoft are at now (as long as they follow by it) that they must publish protocols and stuff, and not be spilt up. If they are separated into smaller companys then it could pose greater threat.

We all must admit that once in a while Microsoft do somthing good. But right now the problem is that they are using to many old philosoplys, that are in our way.

But with this new agreement Microsoft will not be in our way as much. I still think eventually all Companys distributing software without source code will go bust.

But just because we are angry with Microsoft, like the most asian men (see does not mean we can justify the jobs that would be lost if they went bankrupt. Maybe Microsoft will be here in the future but play it nice? I think it will take 1 more whoop on the arse before they do this. But look at it, Countrys, goverments, schools, and much as are using free software. So we can see who is winning this battle.

But I think the best company ever to live would be Xerox, who helped the computer revolution more then anybody else. And at there own expense in the end.

Free Software is the ever growing choice of Developers.

But apple make great hardware, they should release the source to all the features in OS-X to make it more desireable, it does not mean they must not charge money for it...
... Maybe we should get together some good developers and make a free implementation of Aqua and other propartary apple things that could revolutionize Unix, and get rid of Microsoft.

Its all up to the "Developers, Developers, Devleopers, Devleopers!"


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Thanks MS, and get out of the way...
« Reply #3 on: 21 December 2002, 22:22 »
Originally posted by X11:
I still think that Microsoft is the number #1 obstical in the way of freedom on the internet. And it also is destroying innovation and development.[/QB]

Hell no. RIAA, MPAA, The Governements, all other people who want to fight a particular use of the net and end up blocking *all* of it...

MS is a company who wants to make money. That's all. They fight dirty to do it, and help aforementioned groups to make even more. But to them, eliminating freedom is a means to an end, not an end in itself. There are people to whom that *is* an end itself. These are way more dangerous.
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A quantummechanical wavefunction describing an unknown amount of bottles of beer on the wall
A quantummechanical wavefunction describing an unknown amount of bottles of beer on the wall
We take a measurement, the wavefunction will collapse, and one of the bottles of beer will fall


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Thanks MS, and get out of the way...
« Reply #4 on: 22 December 2002, 07:01 »
Without Microsoft, there is only Linux, linux developers dont like RIAA and DMCA. They get destroyed.