Author Topic: The pledge...  (Read 1229 times)


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The pledge...
« on: 5 July 2002, 03:36 »
As a non-american, I
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The pledge...
« Reply #1 on: 5 July 2002, 03:54 »
Originally posted by cahult:
As a non-american, I
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The pledge...
« Reply #2 on: 5 July 2002, 05:51 »
Good point Creedon. I personally tend to think the US is good, but quite flawed in many ways. I feel it's because being fanaticly patriotic often means thinking your government is great! This may of been true about your founders, but not your modern governments!

Well that's kinda cool that people get terrified of foriegners, now I know that once in awhile people will hate my guts and think im 2nd class etc. whenever I say im Canadian on the internet.

It's diffrent from discrimination. Discrimination is more cooler when people discriminate because their friggin terrified of you and think your the enemy who'll take their life style.  :D

It's kinda like a mouse going up to an elephant, and the elephant freaks out! Oh and doesn't one of your primary political parties(republicans) use the elephant as their symbol!  ;)
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The pledge...
« Reply #3 on: 5 July 2002, 05:53 »
Oh and that rambling is genius! I honestly tend to think of the pledge(reciting every day in school) as brain washing. No offense to all you Americans, im just a damn Canadian who don't know what he's talking about!  
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality

Master of Reality

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The pledge...
« Reply #4 on: 5 July 2002, 06:24 »
The government uses menticide all the time... they are trying to brainwash us in a totally  bad way... not like the good way that The Cult of Bob tries to brainwash you. Those damn americans and their fancy pledge of allegance. I would be way too damn lazy to say some sort of pledge all the time... ahhh, to be in Canada where they dont give a fuck whether your patriotic (i hate jean chretian too).
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The pledge...
« Reply #5 on: 5 July 2002, 07:44 »
Well, in Sweden where I come from, we did have these antics, but that was 70 years ago when Sweden and many other european countries were fooled by Hitler and his gang o
"The gentleman is dead, the feminists killed him" Anonymous

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« Reply #6 on: 5 July 2002, 08:17 »
of course Canada is number 1 in hockey. Wasnt it in Canada where hockey, basketball, and Lacrosse were invented?

Even our beer rpomotes canada kick-assness in hockey by giving out gold medal t-shirts promoting Canada's wins of the two olympic gods in hockey. (i got one yesterday). And of course Canada won the Hockey World Championship.

[edit: i changed that according to ahri... i knew it had a 'ball' in it]

[ July 05, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality / Bob ]

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The pledge...
« Reply #7 on: 5 July 2002, 21:14 »
I don't think baseball was invented in canada, but basketball was. Lacrosse was invented by the natives before the eurpeans knew north america existed. And hockey was invented in canada, but by the british army before canada became a country.

Did you guys see that comercial where that american guys was making fun of that canadia guy in a bar so the canada guy got his pet beaver to eat him? And did you see that commecial where the sweedish hockey team was in the hospital having ceasures cause they found out they were going to play canada? hehe I think that's why nobody likes canada.


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The pledge...
« Reply #8 on: 5 July 2002, 13:41 »
Originally posted by creedon:
As an American, I would have to disagree with you; NOT because I think you're wrong, but as a non-American, you don't have the  Perspective to really understand how a certian portion of our population regards an issue like this.
There are people in this country that regard the rest of the world at best, with suspicion and at worse, with abject terror.  This segment truly believe that we live in the only really free country in the world, and that the rest of the world envies us and wants to take our freedom away.  These are the people who you can see with their hand planted firmly over their heart whenever the Star-spanged Banner plays, teary eyed at the thought of being blessed with the honor of being an American.  These are the folks that will just go ballistic when someone suggests that the good ol' U.S.A. might not be the best place to live.  When you have to deal with a mindset like that, then the decision about the Pledge of allegance doesn't seem so humorous.

No it doesn't, and that's why i think that the US should either keep itself to itself, or begin reevaluating itself in earnest.

400 years of lethargy and apathy are no excuse. The USA was a young nation once, with vigour and commitment to honesty. How would any of the US's revered pioneers be treated today?

The US needs to scrap it's bullshit and start a new non-brainwashing campaign of honesty. Why do they like the brainwashing so much? is it because they are afraid of people thinking for themselves? if their country is so good, what do they have to be afraid of?

Brainwashing is only for a regime that knows it would be unpopular otherwise, as proved by many nations and dictators throughout the last century or two.

Be fucking honest! and then maybe i'd have some real fucking respect for america, not the contempt i have right now (that contempt does not extend to the US citizens, btw, only those who endorse the US method of control).

And fucking take down that "give me your tired and your hungry" crap from the statue of "liberty", we all know it's one of the most famous lies on the planet.

edit - I feel the need to post a big long screed of lyrics now to show you what i think about the whole two faced situation, even though you must take me with a pinch of salt since i have never been to the USA. It's a song by the Motor City Five about what it was like for them to live in the USA in 1969:
The American Ruse (MC5)

They told you in school about FREEDOM,
but when you try to be FREE they never let ya
They said, "It's easy - nothing to it"
and now the ARMY's out to get ya

'69 American terminal stasis,
the air's so thick it's like drowning in molasses
I'm sick and tired of paying these dues
and I'm finally getting hip to the AMERICAN RUSE

before they beat me bloody down at the station
They haven't got a word out of me since
I got a billion years probation

'69 American terminal stasis,
the air's so thick it's like drowning in molasses
I'm sick and tired of paying these dues
and I'm sick to my guts of the AMERICAN RUSE

Phoney Stars, (Oh No!), Crummy Cars, (Oh No!)
Cheap Guitars, (Oh No!), Joe's Primitive Bar - Nah!

The way they pull you over it's suspicious,
Yeah, for something that just ain't your fault
If you complain they're gonna get vicious
Kick in your teeth and charge you with ASSAULT

Yeah, but I can see the chickens coming home to roost
Young People everywhere are gonna cook their goose
lots of kids are working to get rid of these Blues
cause everybody's sick of the AMERICAN RUSE

Well, well, well ... TAKE A LOOK AROUND!

You can get a couple of free MP3s by the Five at this site, plus some other juicy mp3s as well...

[ July 05, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

[ July 05, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

visit these websites and make yourself happy forever:
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The pledge...
« Reply #9 on: 5 July 2002, 19:54 »
Hear, hear.  What Calum said.  This whole "pledge of allegiance" thing was stupid from day one.


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« Reply #10 on: 5 July 2002, 20:59 »
Originally posted by Webmaster:
Hear, hear.  What Calum said.  This whole "pledge of allegiance" thing was stupid from day one.
It seems to be a mindset in my country that NOONE would ever recite a pledge like that and not mean it.  I remember Watergate; how the Nixon Whitehouse demanded "Loyalty oaths" from all the people who worked there.  Lets see.....I have to demand a loyalty oath from my workers.....if I was worth being loyal to, why would I have to do that?
In a musical vein; Listen to the words of CSN&Y's "OHIO"- that's as good a statement of the predicament of a loyal opposition as any I've ever heard.  BTW; a 19TH century British Prime Minister (I'm not sue whic one anymore, Gladstone, Disraeli, or Palmerston) said something to the effect that a government that didn't have a loyal opposition was seriously flawed; I agree.
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The pledge...
« Reply #11 on: 6 July 2002, 12:39 »
i could write a book about those idiots, but i'd rather just sum it up like this:




i am not religious, and i never gave a fuck anyway!
those bastards

thank you, and good evening
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