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I wasn't complaining, just making a point.

Well, I don't know if you have ever been unfotunate enough to have lost a loved one to a a deer collision but there are lots of people who have and I'm sure the loss was devistating to the ones who lost the loved one.

If the deer aren't controlled those devistating accidents go up alot. It isn't really the deers fault that they are stupid(that is how they were created) but then again it isn't a drivers' fault that the deer are stupid either. Why should a driver have to worry about the stupidity of an animal? Lets say a deer collision victim driver has never had a wreck, never had a speeding ticket or anything. That means he/she was a good driver and the only reason the deer collision occured was because of the stupidity and wrecklessness of the animal(not the human). It is just sad.

[ November 10, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]


It's not just the Army...The Marines, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard Contribute to the destruction of the Earth as well...But it's OK for us...We get fined Millions of Dollars per installation every year for EPA violations...Which makes us like catholics going to confession  :D

Besides, We have EPA exceptions, it's even placarded on our vehicles  

If you can't detect the sarcasm in this then FUGOLV!

Anyway, comparing hunting to ecological destruction through mechanical means and polution is 2 entirely different critters!!!

No one cries for the deer that gets devoured alive by a wolf as was previously stated.  But let a human shoot and eat something and waaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaa!!! PLEASEEEEEEEE!!!

My god, I didn't know deer were such a huge problem!! You're right Viper, they must be exterminated, because there is OBVIOUSLY and EPIDEMIC of deer-related deaths. You hear about it on the news at LEAST ten times a day that someone else has been heartlessly slaughtered by a deer! We must rename this site deerosuck and start plotting how we will deal this this enormous problem that not only threatens to destroy humanity, BUT THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!

quote:like the US government and army you mean? sorry, they're doing that quickly, big difference.
--- End quote ---

A little depleted uranium never hurt anyone! How can you think of such petty, selfish things when there are DEER on the loose!!!

[ November 11, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: No longer posts here ]

Hilarious, just simply hilarious. Did I say that deer are a threat to humanity? No..I said too many of them are a fucking menace. They are simply a nusiance because of how stupid they are. Did I say that we should hunt them to extiction? No. They need to have their population controlled but they certainly don't need to be completely wiped out. Why don't you try being being serious instead of sarcastic man?

[ November 11, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]


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