Author Topic: gone for a week or 2  (Read 1299 times)


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gone for a week or 2
« Reply #15 on: 11 November 2003, 14:06 »
Yeah, they are a menace walking into our towns and screwing around with people. It's not like WE invaded their territory. Everyone knows we've been here since 1492 while the first deer explorer didn't reach America until 1523! So you're right, they should be shot for invading our territory.


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« Reply #16 on: 15 November 2003, 00:45 »
i'm back.


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« Reply #17 on: 15 November 2003, 00:49 »
Originally posted by Macman: No longer posts here:

several things wrong with that...

not allowed to use an automatic weapon, it's illegal.

only allowed to  kill one deer.

i'm not chinese (or frowning).

I don't wear head bands.

And if it makes you feel any better, I didn't get anything. I got in late hunting season and by that time they've gotten smart and stay in private property all day and go out at night (can't hunt at night). Saw a lot of doe though, i'm not allowed to get them though. So I'm going to go buy pre-slaughtered meat that was killed with the intention of profit and not food. Happy?


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« Reply #18 on: 15 November 2003, 02:50 »
Originally posted by Viper:
Well, I don't know if you have ever been unfotunate enough to have lost a loved one to a a deer collision but there are lots of people who have and I'm sure the loss was devistating to the ones who lost the loved one.

what's a deer collision?

i am guessing here, but i bet it's when some people in a landrover (which i define as a large "case" made of a strengthened material, which is only travelling at speed at the whim of the people inside) collide with a relatively stationery (relative to the landrover) deer. the deer needless to say does not have the protection of a landrover and did not initiate any dumbass speeding around in a contraption in the first place.

now. in this situation, i think that on balance very few people die or are in fact hurt in any way in such collisions compared to the amount of deer that are killed. and to add insult to injury, the people responsible for this collision probably heap the still warm body of the perhaps not even quite dead deer on the bonnet of their landrover and take it home where they burn it up a bit, dismember it and digest it.

i am constantly surprised at the fact that "humane" and "human" have such deceptively similar spellings...
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« Reply #19 on: 15 November 2003, 04:04 »
I understand what Calum is saying! It's the fault of the US military that deer are hit by landrovers!