Miscellaneous > The Lounge

there ARE four CHILDREN

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Tere are currently four children outside my window yelling and blowing on A DUCK CALL.

Why me? Why must I suffer? What did I do, aside from lose my mind constantly, and on a daily basis, and tell my last g/f that I hoped she died, and then a week later SHE DID.

Why am I so bad?

PS This is real... there really are four brats out there with a DUCK CALL

Take out a bullhorn and yell at them to shut up.

i have a better idea.  Turn up your speakers really loud and restart your mac.  the startup tone should scare them away.

If you have enough subwoofers you can turn the base all of the way up and try to scare them with raw sound.

Run outside Cussing at them and chase them down the street

Put blanks into a shot gun and run out of your house firing at them.


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