Miscellaneous > The Lounge

there ARE four CHILDREN

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How about this: turn up your speakers really loud and type lots of cussing words in Simpletext. Then do command+H.

run out there with a shovel and chase them away, then shake your fist in anger at them

If something like that happened to me I'd load my shotgun with Rock Salt shells(I have a few shells that I emptied the BB's out of and loaded with Rock Salt) and I'd go out there and shoot at least 1 of the disrespectful little bastards in the ass.

As you probably already know, rock salt inside a wound burns like hell. It would teach them not to do stupid shit like that again.

Eat them.


go give em a dog wistle. at least you'll get some rest, dont know about the dogs around you tho.
oh i do like the rock salt idea. could use phospherous(sp?). that would burn like hell.


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