Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Name Change

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I'm getting sick of being called stupid old Macman (or Macmoron in some cases). I was thinking of changing my name to "iZealot" or something cool like that. Think I should?

iZealot sounds cool but I don't think you should change your nick because of namecalling.
Whoever calls you a moron because of your personal preferences isn't worth your time man.

If you like Macman stick to it, if you prefer iZealot, which I do, go for it  ;)

I'm not changing it because I get ridiculed. Macmoron was just my nickname when I first came to these forums because I was kind of a troll (I think Calum started calling me that). I just think Macman is kind of unoriginal, and it's also a rip-off of Apple's rip-off of Pacman.


quote:  I'm not changing it because I get ridiculed. Macmoron was just my nickname when I first came to these forums because I was kind of a troll (I think Calum started calling me that).
--- End quote ---

Well, my answer doesn't apply then   ;)

no more ":Mac Commando"?? thats cool. you can be a commando in all but name. or something like that..


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