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rocket launcher

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however and whenever you build the phucker, i just have one thing to say DON'T GET COUGHT WITH IT.


quote:Originally posted by Calum:
did you ask the infantry? they might have some extra kicking about, maybe they have a website at infantry.com, infantry.us or possibly, infantry.gov
It's worth a shot!   :D  
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probally infantry.mil if anything.  

Yeah.  I used to be crazy into porn, and I used to hack websites for pwds.  Wnd sometimes I would get a person saying to block 10.x.x.x proxies b/c they were gvt/military owned (it wasnt till later that I found out what the IP addys really are) Well to make a long/boring story short, I went to some gvt website that acutally had whois for these domains, and looked up the block on verisign.  I found evidence inconclusive.

Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by sporkme:
i can send you plans on a suped-up potato launcher.

rifled thick steel barrel for accuracy.  a piston drives the payload out of the barrel, not the actual fire. actually coke cans filled with cement are excellent dumb ammunition, but if you want an explosion...

mix black powder, salt peter, and some percussion caps into a baggy and tightly wrap it in a sphere with about 1/4 inch of electrical tape.  the whole works should be a good size to fit into the can that is your barrel width.  you can then pack the ball into the can with shrapnel of your choice, i like small thin nails.  seal the top.  these actually make excellent mines.  now, extremely important:  you need to use a propellant that ignites slowly enough to avoid concussion to set off the caps but powerful enough to get you some good range.  3/4 turpentine and 1/4 parafin is about ideal.  GET AWAY from the thing and use model rocket ignitors to set off the fuel.

alternately, if you boil down battery acid (use a glass pot out of doors) until whispy white fumes eminate from it and mix it in equal parts with gasoline, you have explosive liquid that then sticks and burns.

check for vintage army manuals at a army surplus store that will give you some wonderful little recipes.  "Improvised Munitions," "Boobytraps," and "Incindiaries" are my favorites, good bathroom reads.

of course excersise the maximum possible caution when destroying things, only do it on private property outside of city limits, and dont kill anyone.

oh, and i am not using these things to fight any kind of war, i am just the crazy person in this neighborhood and i like to see things explode.

EDIT:  or join the army.

[ June 03, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme ]
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Here is the recipe for some thermite... I figured you could have some phun with it    :

Here is a good way to make large quantities of thermite in a short time:

- Get a DC convertor like the one used on a train set. Cut the connector off, seperate the wires, and strip them both.

- Now you need a jar of water with a tablespoon or so of sodium chloride (which is SALT!) added to it. This makes the water conductive.

- Now insert both wires into the mixture (I am assuming you plugged the convertor in...) and let them sit for five minutes. One of them will start bubbling more than the other. This is the POSITIVE(+) wire. If you do not do this test right, the final product will be the opposite (chemically) of rust, which is RUST ACID. You have no use for this here (although it IS useful!).

- Anyway, put the nail tied to the positive wire into the jar. Now put the negative wire in the other end. Now let it sit overnight and in the morning scrape the rust off of the nail & repeat until you got a bunch of rust on the bottom of the glass. Be generous with your rust collection. If you are going through the trouble of making thermite, you might as well make a lot, right?

- Now remove the excess water and pour the crusty solution onto a cookie sheet. Dry it in the sun for a few hours, or inside overnight. It should be an orange-brown color (although I have seen it in many different colors! Sometimes the color gets fucked up, what can I say... but it is still iron oxide!)

- Crush the rust into a fine powder and heat it in a cast-iron pot until it is red. Now mix the pure iron oxide with pure alluminum filinos which can be bought or filed down by hand from an aluminum tube or bar. The ratio or iron oxide to aluminum is 8 grams to 3 grams.

- Congrats! You have just made THERMITE! Now, to light it...

- Thermite requires a LOT of heat (more than a blow torch!) to ignite. However, a magnesium ribbon (which is sorta hard to find.. call around) will do the trick. It takes the heat from the burning magnesium to light the thermite.

- Now when you see your victim's car, pour a fifty-cent sized pile onto his hood, stick the ribbon in it, and light the ribbon with the blow torch. Now chuckle as you watch it burn through the hood, the block, the axle, and the pavement. BE CAREFUL! The ideal mixtures can vaporize CARBON STEEL! Another idea is to use thermite to get into pay phone cash boxes. HAVE FUN!!

Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by sporkme:
i can send you plans on a suped-up potato launcher.

rifled thick steel barrel for accuracy.  a piston drives the payload out of the barrel, not the actual fire. actually coke cans filled with cement are excellent dumb ammunition, but if you want an explosion...

mix black powder, salt peter, and some percussion caps into a baggy and tightly wrap it in a sphere with about 1/4 inch of electrical tape.  the whole works should be a good size to fit into the can that is your barrel width.  you can then pack the ball into the can with shrapnel of your choice, i like small thin nails.  seal the top.  these actually make excellent mines.  now, extremely important:  you need to use a propellant that ignites slowly enough to avoid concussion to set off the caps but powerful enough to get you some good range.  3/4 turpentine and 1/4 parafin is about ideal.  GET AWAY from the thing and use model rocket ignitors to set off the fuel.
[ June 03, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme ]
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A good munition for you homemade cannon would be to make gelled flaming stuff.
All you need is egg whites, gasoline, salt or coffee. Mix the egg whites and gasoline. Then add the salt. Stir until gelled (5-10 minutes). If you want a thicker gel, heat in a jar at 65 gedrees centigrade (dont heat is you mix with coffee!!!). Stuff that shit down your cannon and add maybe a small explosive with it.

Aaron Ni:
Jesus fucking christ MoR!  You are one of the top 10 most gullible people I've met so far in my life!  

Rule:1 Never trust any so called cookbook, guide, handbook or anything with the title "Anarchist" on it that you read in reality or on the internet, in fact multiply that by 10 to the 10th power for on the internet...

The Anarchist's Cookbook is pure bunk.  Some of the so called recipes are both dangerous and ineffective to perform or attempt.  

Also in case anyone's wondering why that thermite "Recipe" that MoR copy and pasted out of the Anarchist's Cookbook doesnt work it's because of the way in capturing Iron Oxide.

Getting Iron Oxide with the DC generator in the way described in the AC gives you Iron Oxide(II)  That compound is ineffective in making thermite.  What you want is Iron Oxide(III)  Which I've heard is attainable by burning a steel wool pad.  I know it sounds weird but apparently the steel wool pad is Iron.. But dont take my word for it, learn about this subject before attempting any of it.

And please for everyone's safety dont trust anything on the internet that's a "Recipe"   Any really serious person calls this a Synthesis, Synth for short.  Recipes give you cookies, cakes and nicknames like "Stumpy."

Synthesis's give you chemical coumpounds and high explosives.

P.S. Another reminder, their called explosives, not bombs!    :mad:


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