Miscellaneous > The Lounge
If you go to a site called ingenio.com, you will see it's association with microsoft on the left hand side. Ingenio.com is a website that owns keen.com, a lucrative phone psychic company that gets traffic from msn, and also owns niteflirt.com, a phone sex site.
Very funny. That company is responsable for Microsoft tech support by phone.
I called them once. I've never heard more computer illiturate people in my life :D
You actually got a hold of them?
Did they force you to pay via an MSDN yearly
subscription or did you ante up a credit card
and pay by the minute, while they worked on improving their butt scratching technique?
quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
Very funny. That company is responsable for Microsoft tech support by phone.
I called them once. I've never heard more computer illiturate people in my life :D
--- End quote ---
Whenever I hear about computer illiteracy, I always mention:
Best site ever. :D
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