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Hey guys a question about Laptops.

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Today I recieved a used Dell inspiron laptop.  
Everything works fine (it runs RedHat7.3).

 But i saw that there is about an inch of burned pixels.  Its not too bad but will this continue happening? And if so how fast?

Dude, you must have a defective LCD.  Might want to get that fixed while it's under warranty.  Whoops, it's used which means it's probably out of warranty?  Those things ain't cheap.

[ August 09, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

ouchies :(

  The store I bought it from (i order it via Internet) gives me a 90 day warranty.

 I admit it, i didnt expect perfection and if the burned pixels wont spread out like a wild fire i wont mind    .

  I just bought it to do C++ at work (yeah i know "dont kill your self" lol).

Is it just a single row in an inconspicuous area?  My guess is that it would not spread but then I've never really seen that happen. And I have worked with hundreds of Dell laptops.  Usually when the LCD goes, it just fritzes out and dies all at once.

Ah sounds good then  
 its formed kinda like a dot (square like about an inch) and the burned pixels are not densed all together.


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