Author Topic: What happens when a Linux zealot attempts to get laid?  (Read 1282 times)


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What happens when a Linux zealot attempts to get laid?
« Reply #1 on: 4 May 2002, 11:57 »
What happens when a Linux zealot attempts to get laid?
who | grep -i hottie | date | cd~; uptime; unzip; head; touch; finger; mount; ramsize; gasp; yes; umount; sleep

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What happens when a Linux zealot attempts to get laid?
« Reply #2 on: 6 May 2002, 04:02 »
I spose at the end of the day, it's a choice of whether you pay through the nose for it (windows) or get it for free(Linux/BSD/darwin) or cheap(everything else except windows :))


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What happens when a Linux zealot attempts to get laid?
« Reply #3 on: 6 May 2002, 05:06 »
do neither of those boring assed fucks know you can't get laid if you talk about computers at all? that mac bigot should be as girlless as the linux dork (who btw is saying some pretty dumb things for a linux user)...

oh, sorry, i meant to say "ha. ha. "

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What happens when a Linux zealot attempts to get laid?
« Reply #4 on: 6 May 2002, 05:11 »
The comic was prolly written by a windoze user projecting his personal problems on the more supperior computer users he both fears and admires, yet can't admit it to himself.

Very psychological and sad. The auther has certainly reveald lot's about himself.



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What happens when a Linux zealot attempts to get laid?
« Reply #5 on: 6 May 2002, 07:35 »
MicroSoft describes the computer OS AND the owners genitalia!
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What happens when a Linux zealot attempts to get laid?
« Reply #6 on: 6 May 2002, 20:30 »
Here's another one for you all.

The Linux Zealot in the future.;sid=2002/1/2/14159/23968


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What happens when a Linux zealot attempts to get laid?
« Reply #7 on: 6 May 2002, 20:56 »
That's funny, trying to make a joke about why a Linux person won't use a Segway.  Guess what OS the Segway uses? XP? Not! In fact Dean Kamen slammed M$ when it came to what OS he used for his IBOT. He basically said he couldn't afford to use such unreliable M$ OSs. What happens when someone is going up the stairs on his IBOT and the system crashes and needs a reboot?  Death, followed by law suit!

Then in another cartoon they don't even know how to spell "Perl" yet they joke about it. You tell me who the Zealot is. Seems to me it would be the person that blindly follows their OS, make fun of others without having any experience in the others.  That would not be the description of the typical Linux person. The typical Linux person has fairly equal experience with Linux, Windows, among many other operating systems. You tell me who's closed minded here.

[ May 06, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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What happens when a Linux zealot attempts to get laid?
« Reply #8 on: 6 May 2002, 21:39 »
Adequacy is a site that just wants to stir up trouble; they're the internet equivilent of the National Enquirer or the Weekly World News.  "It doesn't have to be true, it just has to fit on the page."  
Adequacy started up about a year ago or so.  I went there expecting to find some sharp minds and intelligent thinking; I was SORELY disappointed- what a bunch of shitheads!
I'm SERIOUS about Linux; are you??


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What happens when a Linux zealot attempts to get laid?
« Reply #9 on: 7 May 2002, 16:10 »
Originally posted by jtpenrod:
who | grep -i hottie | date | cd~; uptime; unzip; head; touch; finger; mount; ramsize; gasp; yes; umount; sleep