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What happens when a Linux zealot attempts to get laid?
This is some funny schtuffs.
quote: What happens when a Linux zealot attempts to get laid?
--- End quote ---
who | grep -i hottie | date | cd~; uptime; unzip; head; touch; finger; mount; ramsize; gasp; yes; umount; sleep
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If software can be free, why can't dolphins?
I spose at the end of the day, it's a choice of whether you pay through the nose for it (windows) or get it for free(Linux/BSD/darwin) or cheap(everything else except windows :))
do neither of those boring assed fucks know you can't get laid if you talk about computers at all? that mac bigot should be as girlless as the linux dork (who btw is saying some pretty dumb things for a linux user)...
oh, sorry, i meant to say "ha. ha. "
The comic was prolly written by a windoze user projecting his personal problems on the more supperior computer users he both fears and admires, yet can't admit it to himself.
Very psychological and sad. The auther has certainly reveald lot's about himself.
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