Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Just a thought...
Mr Smith:
When trolls come in to this forum and post ridiculous
comments with the sole purpose of stirring the shit, NO ONE should respond. This is very important, so I will say it again: no one should respond. the sole purpose of these people is to get a response from us.
This is where they get their satisfaction. If we see a post with the above characteristics we should delete it immediately. I am guilty of this to, but I will no longer give any comment to these people. IF ANY TROLLS, AND WE ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE, AND YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHO YOU ARE, RESPOND TO THIS POST WITH A STUPID COMMENT, DELETE/EDIT IT AND DONT RESPOND!!! :D :D :D
Yeah? Well I think you're stupid!!!!!!!! And Linux sucks!!!!!!!!
Yeah, use Windows!
Is that a legal copy? ;)
If you are so security nuts, get that big security hazard off of that computer!
quote:Originally posted by Calum: every single person who posted a reply is to blame. you know what zombie's like, and i expect better of you all now. I am truly disappointed in you all.
topic closed. i for one will not be participating in any of these gimp topics again, you have all helped zombie win that small victory. topic closed.
--- End quote ---
He sort of caught us off guard. We're not entirely to blame.
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