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From my personal experience RH7.2 owns 7.3

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-With 7.3 full install never finished because anaconda gave me a bug report with packages containing python files.
   -KDE at times was slow as hell. Maybe it was the KDE version that had the memory leak problem.
   -Install was much slower
   -It seemed to be a bit slow on loading apps.

  7.2 on the other hand took about 20 minutes to do a full install.
  From what I can tell it runs faster.

  Now I just need to update my kernel, install the latest version of KDE and Gnome, and I use the CDROMS from 7.3 for apps that 7.2 doesnt have.


Hmmm, weird.  I've installed just as many 7.3 installs as 7.2 and have never had a problem with either. And I don't have to upgrade KDE on the 7.3 installs.  Are you sure your CDs aren't damaged?


quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
Hmmm, weird.  I've installed just as many 7.3 installs as 7.2 and have never had a problem with either. And I don't have to upgrade KDE on the 7.3 installs.  Are you sure your CDs aren't damaged?
--- End quote ---

  I know what you mean by weird. I never saw in Forums people saying they have these problems.
  I have a device that eliminates scratches and all that. But still the same problem.
  Maybe the CDs were defective from the factory or something.
  But updating my kernel wouldnt that mean I will basicaly be running 7.3?

Master of Reality:
i had problems like this. Every couple of files the RH7.3 isntaller woud tell me a file is missing or bad, then i clicked retry the package and it worked. I had to do that about 118 times. It was posted at linuxquestions.org


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