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Dickless Windows people

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I didn't realize the 2.4.19 kernel had been out for 31.9 years now. And that's one hell of a load average you are running there. You must have also had some hung processes for 31.9 years. Now that's one lazy admin!

might i ask, by the way, why it's worth all this effort? is it just for the challenge and the thrill?


quote:Originally posted by Calum:
might i ask, by the way, why it's worth all this effort? is it just for the challenge and the thrill?
--- End quote ---

For me the reasons are several. Firstly you learn a lot when you do things like this. Secondly it is a good idea to do things like this as part of a computer security plan (broadcasting how you do it on a public forum is *not* part of a good security plan). Why do you think the NSA's web server OS appears to constantly change? I would not be one bit surprised if they are running SELinux with the ippersonality patches. Thirdly chicks dig guys who know their TCP/IP stack.

[ December 06, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]


quote:Originally posted by Calum:
might i ask, by the way, why it's worth all this effort? is it just for the challenge and the thrill?
--- End quote ---

THat would be it... Theres nothing I love more then a challenge (or thrill)..

Off topic Good News:
I *should* be getting a External Modem soon, so i can put it on my other box so i have a Linux (as a pose to Windows 2k) gateway.


quote:Originally posted by void main:
I didn't realize the 2.4.19 kernel had been out for 31.9 years now. And that's one hell of a load average you are running there. You must have also had some hung processes for 31.9 years. Now that's one lazy admin!
--- End quote ---

Yes im a lazy admin.

My excuse when the Uptime admins get to my email will be "I have built a time machine"

And have a look at my Uptime, its load average is pretty fullup to, because of running setiathome and all.

Void: You should add yourself to the uptimes thing.


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