Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Dickless Windows people

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Nuts they deleted my account.

Oh well they did the Windows one as well...

I only spoofed my OS:

LOL. They didn't say anything about it changing from  Linux to Windows w/0 rebooting.

BTW: It's about time they started to delete bogus records. Before they would just leave them there.

The problem with that site is that your machine "tells" their server what it's running and how long it's been up. That's too easy to fake. It's a little harder to spoof Netcraft because they come to your door and look around and determine on their own based on their observations what you are running and how long you've been up.

But that's ok, I was able to repaint my house and then run some aging techniques on it to make it look older. Now Netcraft thinks I live in a business park and soon they will think I've been in business for around a year.     C'mon guys, go for something more challenging!

[ December 06, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]


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