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Dickless Windows people
their thing is pretty shoddy if it allows people to spoof it that easily, i think.
quote:Originally posted by X11 / BOB: 3xtr4 skr1pty:
(Thought of all that myself)
Then i made a thing and did it...
Its that easy...
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That's pretty funny, you were at the top of the list. But if you showed even the bogus hosts you only came in second behind a Windows box. Which begs the question "If yer gonna cheat, why not beat out the Windows cheater?"
On a side note, if you can spoof the uptime on Netcraft let me know how you did it. It's the only thing I have left to spoof. I have both the OS and the Web Server spoofed, now just need uptime. I know what needs to be done to do it but I have some more learnin' to do. I thought I was pretty damn good when it came to understanding TCP, UDP and IP but this shit is making my head hurt.
I played with the ippersonality for a couple of hours tonight trying to get the signature of the Cray Supercomputer to come across my nmap scan and haven't been able to figure everything out yet. I have some of it figured out as I have been able to make a couple of the tests emulate the Cray (or UNICOS 10.0.0 on a Cray 90 to be more specific).
I'm still undecided on whether ippersonality can be used to fix the uptime. If it can't I am nearly certain that the TCP/IP stack in the kernel source could be hacked, maybe even easily, to start the uptime out at a high level upon boot. Maybe that's what I should be working on next as it might be easier.
Screwing with the TCP/IP stack could make it so nmap doesnt know who the hell you are...
quote:Originally posted by X11 / BOB: 3xtr4 skr1pty:
Screwing with the TCP/IP stack could make it so nmap doesnt know who the hell you are...
--- End quote ---
Oh nmap didn't know who the hell I was most of the night while trying to get it to think I was a Cray. But you gotta screw with the TCP/IP stack if you want to masquerade as another OS. You have to emulate the other OSs TCP/IP signatures. That's how Netcraft thinks I am running Solaris 8, I screwed with my TCP/IP stack.
Look what i did now:
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