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Ray Bradbury not happy with Moore

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Too bad for Bradbury. Last time I checked, you didn't have to ask somebody if it was okay to use a title that was "kinda like" theirs. Unless Ray Bradbury has some previous claim to "Fahrenheit xxx", where x is any numeral between 0 and 9, then he's fucked.

"Fahrenheit 451" was patented by Microsoft in 2002


Cool sound clips from the film - worth seeing... honest.


I think I ought to go out more, meet people, that sort of thing!



quote:Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
Too bad for Bradbury. Last time I checked, you didn't have to ask somebody if it was okay to use a title that was "kinda like" theirs. Unless Ray Bradbury has some previous claim to "Fahrenheit xxx", where x is any numeral between 0 and 9, then he's fucked.
--- End quote ---

Or rather to "Farenheit xyx" where x is any number of numerals, and y is any other character such as "/". Even if Moore had called it "Farenheit 451" Bradbury couldn't do anything (you can't trademark or otherwise restrict the use of an artistic work's title), and him getting upset about it is pathetic. If you couldn't name works similarly to others then parody writers would be out of business. Titling films things like "Loaded Weapon" and "Shaun of the dead" would be illegal.

[ June 05, 2004: Message edited by: flap ]

Why didn't I think of the parody clause? That seems the most obvious loophole!


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