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MES FAQ is a success!
have a read through this thread here.
linux newbie arrives, asks for good linux site, i say 'how about the MES FAQ' and he says 'really like it'.
I noticed that contributions to the FAQ seem to have tailed off a bit folks, any reason for this? i know i'm not really one to talk, but i do try to add one ever few days or so when i see something relevant to go in there...
You see, that's why I hate getting into these political discussions. It takes my time away from things like this. I have been trying to document some things on my own site (between political posts) in hopes that some of it can be used in the FAQ.
Hmm, personally I don't like people learning stuff from a FAQ that tells them to do #su <normaluser> to change from root back to a normal user (I mean DAMN). It's in the Fat32/NTFS mount topic, and *somewhat* changed, but far from corrected (use 'exit' goddammit).
Yes, I already told the maintainers.
Master of Reality:
quote:Originally posted by DC:
Hmm, personally I don't like people learning stuff from a FAQ that tells them to do #su <normaluser> to change from root back to a normal user (I mean DAMN). It's in the Fat32/NTFS mount topic, and *somewhat* changed, but far from corrected (use 'exit' goddammit).
Yes, I already told the maintainers.
--- End quote ---
what are you talking about... at the end of that FAQ is says "you have to be root to run it, to get to root run "su" then enter password"
it should say "su -" to su into root though
quote:Originally posted by DC:
Hmm, personally I don't like people learning stuff from a FAQ that tells them to do #su <normaluser> to change from root back to a normal user (I mean DAMN). It's in the Fat32/NTFS mount topic, and *somewhat* changed, but far from corrected (use 'exit' goddammit).
Yes, I already told the maintainers.
--- End quote ---
Someone sent me an email about that and I'm correcting it as we speak. . . Bah, it was you?
[ December 05, 2002: Message edited by: TheQuirk ]
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