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The answer to "What the HELL is going on with this site?"
In case you didn't see it elsewhere, here's a basic rundown.
Last Friday (the 13th, ironically), two admins at i2net.com, where this site was hosted for a couple of good years, had a big fight. So one -- the one I don't know -- got pissed and unplugged fuckMicrosoft.com's box and cut it off from the Internet. The admin I DO know, who posts on here as runkpock, fortunately had colocation lined up elsewhere (though he wasn't planning to resort to that quite this soon). So when he got some time, he moved the box over there.
Mail was another issue, because it was on another machine, along with a lot of other i2net domains' mail. Unlike the webserver box, it didn't belong to runkpock, so he had to copy over all the mail data.
Now, with about 37,000 free mail forwards and counting, this took a LONG time to do. But as of late Friday night (the 20th-21st), we finally have nearly all e-mail addresses and forwards moved, without losing anything. When the new mail server went live, many hundreds of megabytes moved through the server for an hour or two. The outbound traffic was bursting as high as 8 MB/sec at some points to catch up with the week's worth of mail. It should be trickling into your mailboxes as I type this.
The virtual hosts are the next thing, but that shouldn't take too long. Within a couple of days, that should be moved over. It's not that we don't have the zone files; it's that we're moving from BIND to djbdns. DNS is a bit flaky as a result, but not just because of this; it's also because our new colocation facility relies a lot on Cable & Wireless -- a division of Worldcom. The incompetent, bankrupt Worldcom. So we're working on peering with another ISP or two, and getting backup DNS and, ultimately, even backup MX servers.
I have no idea why, but runkpock is committed to having as close to 100% uptime as possible, and kicking reliability much higher, so a clusterfuck like this past week doesn't happen again.
Hey, I'm just glad this guy's on OUR side.
OK . . . questions?
just for people who might not have seen it
I'm just curious who owns the servers and who pays for the bandwidth and colo fees? Or does Runkpock and the colos donate their resources out of the kindness in their heart and/or because they dislike Microsoft and find this a worthy cause? Or are T-Shirt and vhost sales enough to keep you in the black? Too many questions?
I'd like to thank Webmaster and Runkpock for keeping this place up. Didn't know it was so complicated.
Let's hear it for the Webmaster and Runkpock !! HIP...HIP...HOORAY!!
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