Miscellaneous > The Lounge
The WMP Privacy scam
I can't prove this but can anyone prove it ain't true? you can't - right!
Ok, if you use XP and WMP to rip mp3's (with a codec and a registry tweak) this is what happens.
Microshit keeps tabs on who has decided to use MP3 rather than WMA. You are now in the MS database as an enemy. If you chose not to protect content, you are now in the MS database as a criminal - i.e ripping MP3s for illegal MP3 traffic to teens.
Microshit now collects all information they can:
activation code, IP address, MAC (unique), PSN (if you are dumb enough to have one on), registration ID (if you were dumb enough to register), name (if you are dumb enough to use your own), and then they look at all your email messages for personal information (if you are lame enuf to use outlook)
once they have compiled all this information it is sent to the record companies..this is all true.
Hey, I'm sure we would *all* love to hear more about this one. Can you dig up any more info on this?
I would love to but there are 5 guys from Redmond outside my house right now...i'm typing in the dark..don't know how long i can hold out..think they've spott_______
Oh my God! I'll call the FBI, what's your address?
sorry to sound dull after all that, but winusers be warned, use SOMETHING ELSE to rip mp3s!
(use CDEX for instance, freeware from http://www.cdex.n3.net/ )
If you use microsoft stuff, you're flying from the seat of yr pants! and yr generally asking for yr personal details to be shamelessly punted round the electronic databases of the world for your trouble!
PS let me know if you learn any trade secrets while in captivity, I'll be watching on TV in 20 years when they overthrow the Glorious People's Dictatorship of Microsoft and set all the hostages free...
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