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The WMP Privacy scam

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I would never have to worry about MS knowing that I rip MP3's because I use Creative Playcenter 3 to do my ripping. While we are on the note of WMP8 privacy..all of the rumours of WMP8 giving your info to MS is BS. WMP8 downloads album info/DVD info from the net like other media players(Winamp, Creative Playcenter, etc.).


I rip my MP3 in Linux so no danger 4 me  
Greets Nerull

I rip my MP3 in Linux so no danger 4 me  
Greets Nerull


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
While we are on the note of WMP8 privacy..all of the rumours of WMP8 giving your info to MS is BS. WMP8 downloads album info/DVD info from the net like other media players(Winamp, Creative Playcenter, etc.).

--- End quote ---

Zombie2364784, you must be able to read, since you post on these forums.
The post DIRECTLY ABOVE YOURS is a link to an article about Microsoft saying they log yr listening and viewing habits. Where they get the initial information from is a void point. This is no rumour, deal with it.


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
[QB]I would never have to worry about MS knowing that I rip MP3's because I use Creative Playcenter 3 to do my ripping. While we are on the note of WMP8 privacy..all of the rumours of WMP8 giving your info to MS is BS.
--- End quote ---

While i'm at it, if you trust M$ so much, and you don't believe they are spying on you, why would you make a point of saying you use Creative Playcenter instead of Media Player?
Whether you use one or the other makes no difference, surely, unless you think that one of them might be, for example, spyware...


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