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The WMP Privacy scam

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Ok . . . let's try this one more time, minus the random rebooting that Windows seems to be so fond of (anybody know why that happens)?

quote:Microshit keeps tabs on who has decided to use MP3 rather than WMA. You are now in the MS database as an enemy. If you chose not to protect content, you are now in the MS database as a criminal - i.e ripping MP3s for illegal MP3 traffic to teens.
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My uncle (who's a Lt. Col in the US Army) mentioned something similar to me the other week.  He was saying that XP keeps track of ALL illegal material on your computer and sends back periodic reports to Microsoft.

Now before people start trying to tear me a new asshole (like they did to guy who claimed his uncle workd for Microsoft and was sent hookers), keep in mind that I'm not stating this as fact.  It's only word-of-mouth . . . but considering the source and Microsoft's past history, I'm inclined to believe it.  If I find any evidence that's a bit more substantial, I'll be sure to post it.


Your uncle probably reads fuckmicrosoft.com like all smart people do...

I'm smart?  Gawsh,  I feel all warm and fuzzy inside now . . .

He might browse the forums here, but it's doubtful. Between his job and his 7 kids, he doesn't have a whole lot of spare time . . .



quote:Originally posted by Gonusto:
My uncle (who's a Lt. Col in the US Army) mentioned something similar to me the other week.  He was saying that XP keeps track of ALL illegal material on your computer and sends back periodic reports to Microsoft.

Now before people start trying to tear me a new asshole (like they did to guy who claimed his uncle workd for Microsoft and was sent hookers), keep in mind that I'm not stating this as fact.  It's only word-of-mouth . . . but considering the source and Microsoft's past history, I'm inclined to believe it.  If I find any evidence that's a bit more substantial, I'll be sure to post it.

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It sounds a little too "conspiracy theory" for my tastes, but I guess I'll allow a SLIGHT possibility that MAYBE this is true.  It could be further theorized that this is kind of a backroom deal between M$ and DOJ -- "we'll tone down our pursuit of the antitrust thing if you'll help us out."  With all this bullshit post-9/11 hysteria, I think it's more plausible.

Didn't the FBI basically admit to using spyware, setting up Internet traffic surveillance methods like Condor/Echelon, and investigating the use of viruses to spy on people?  With the exception of Condor/Echelon, this stuff demands the selection of a platform, and the smart money's on Windows, since that's what most people use.

Yet another reason I'm glad I use OS X.  There's some software I'm very, very happy to not have available for my platform, thanks.

Hey guys.

Did i call it right or what?



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