Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Perfect UI

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Windows XP User #5225982375
Grow up and learn some manners

The perfect UI - thought (direct neural connection)


quote: Grow up and learn some manners
--- End quote ---

As soon as you Linux heads do the same

XP Luser, you still haven't answered my question that I have been asking you for so long.  If you don't like it, why are you still here?  What is it that you like about Bill Gate's dick so much?  Is it the taste?  

And to answer all of your questions, yes, file browsing, photo editing, word processing, web browsing, mail reading are *all* much easier from a shell prompt.  I can easily automate most everything that you have to do manually and let my computer do the work. After all, that's what computers are here for. To do the work for me so I can go play golf.  Dumb shit.

Automation is not a concept that Windows users can comprehend.  They would rather make love to their Windows all day long..

[ July 31, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

What you mean all that stuff is ACTUALLY easier without a GUI? Voidmain im begging you, record a "before and after" .avi somehow showing "l33t comp activities with GUI" and "l33t comp activities without GUI".  

I'll watch if you make it(and make sure it doesn't leave me scratching my head).


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