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Perfect UI

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The ultimate UI? Well it's a command prompt shell thingy with one big difference. You type in a simple semi-scripting language. And a standard QWERTY keyboard is a large part of it's operation. HOWEVER, it doesn't work as much like a text parser. Your commanding your comp via keystrokes, keystroke combos and acronymns. Not "CD PORNDIRECTORY". I don't know exact details, but in the end this would be the most powerful.

Takes awhile to learn though.  


quote:Originally posted by lazygamer:
The ultimate UI? Well it's a command prompt shell thingy with one big difference. You type in a simple semi-scripting language. And a standard QWERTY keyboard is a large part of it's operation. HOWEVER, it doesn't work as much like a text parser. Your commanding your comp via keystrokes, keystroke combos and acronymns. Not "CD PORNDIRECTORY". I don't know exact details, but in the end this would be the most powerful.

Takes awhile to learn though.    
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are you crazy? two words:

thought control

they can have a monkey play simple videogames by just thinking, so it's not that far away I think either....


quote:Originally posted by lazygamer:
What you mean all that stuff is ACTUALLY easier without a GUI? Voidmain im begging you, record a "before and after" .avi somehow showing "l33t comp activities with GUI" and "l33t comp activities without GUI".          

I'll watch if you make it(and make sure it doesn't leave me scratching my head).
--- End quote ---

I tell you what. How about I just give you a little hypothetical example similar to one of the many tasks I might have to do in a day. I just read where some bastard company took out a patent on technology used for the JPEG format and they now want to charge royalties on all JPG files.  So now I decide I want to convert all of my JPG images in any directory under my home/personal directory tree to PNG format. Without having to add any software to the default installation of my operating system I just type the single command line:

for i in `find ~ -name '*.jpg'`; do convert $i ${i%%jpg}png; done

And bingo, it's done. It took me about 2 seconds to think of and type that command and now I have a *.png copy of all of my *.jpg files. How long would it take you to think of a way to do it in Windows, and would it require you to obtain more software? How would you do it? I could have easily done this to one of my web directories on one of my remote servers in another city just as fast by including that command as part of an "ssh" command. With another command just as short I could change all of my HTML pages in all of the directories on my web root to use the PNG images instead of the JPG images:

for i in `find /webdir -name '*.html'`;do sed 's/\.jpg/\.png/g' $i > $i.tmp; mv -f $i.tmp $i; done

Sure, when you first start with UNIX it isn't this intuitive but after working with it and learning more about it, it becomes very intuitive.  This was just a hypothetical, not something I plan to do but I do similar tasks all the time, and it is easy to add such a task to a script and schedule it to run at a specific intervals etc, not that this example would be something you might automate, it's more of a one time type of thing.

Or how about something as simple as totalling up all the lines of code I have written in all of my 'C' programs:

cat `find ~ -name '*.c'` | wc -l

How would you do that?  How long did it take? And by the way, there are a hundred different ways you could have done either of the examples I gave, those were just the ones that immediately came to mind.

[ July 31, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Hehehe well I suppose those are good examples.

As for mind control, I don't beleive it will go so well. Too much grey area for doing a simple task to accurately control a computer with precision. Then you have to deal with distractions messing with your already difficult "precision control".

And if I have to use mind control to run my computer it takes my mind off of things I really want to do, like taking the YZ out for loop through the woods.  I would rather leave the computer to do the work and not have to think about it.


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