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Perfect UI
Let me clarify on what I mean Void. I mean that you still have a *nix command prompt on a screen (or a GUI or whatever the hell you like) but instead of operating them with a mouse/keyboard (which happen to be devices totally incompatible with our physical makeup) you operate them with your mind.
So instead of typing 'cd ~' you think it (which you already had to do to type it in the first place ;) ), solves all rsi problems and it's a lot faster too
[ July 31, 2002: Message edited by: BadKarma ]
That sounds cool, however, I would get porn on my screen every 7 seconds if my computer were mind contolled.
Ah, well I know it can be done. Non-graphical interfaces are DEFINITLY less grey area.
Ok let's say I was some dude from lsaffdj(don't bother getting your encyclopedia). After much effort I can speak horrible English. Hmmm mind controlled comp? Cool.
Now I boot it up.
Ceh deee d-hot d-hot crosses my mind. Now you need something that verifies your command with your intentions. If I do not desire to actually travel one directory backwards, "cd.." will not appear. In addition, the mind control has a "concentration checker". If surfing for porn suddenly crosses my mind, the system realizes im
"thinking" and freezes all input until I can prove to it im actually trying to type something with my mind.
Now this is pure speculation (I'm not a expert on brain science ;) ) but I wouldn't surprise me one bit that the person from lsaffdj would generate the same brainwaves when he wants to hit the c key as the american. Even though in his mind it is the Ceh key but it is the same key and requires the same physical action. And judging from the videomonkey expirement thinking that you're doing an action generates the same brainwaves as actually doing an action.
Now ofcourse there would be a few practical problems even if the theory is sound, because you'd actually have to pretend that you're using a keyboard instead of actually using one. And you'd actually had to have some kind of implant in your brains ... which is pretty much the biggest downside (then again... in 50 years brain implants could be the fashion of the day ;) )
That is correct, you wouldn't think in terms of keystrokes. You would take the JPG/PNG example above and instead of doing the command line I suggested it would go more like this:
oO[ I wish all my JPGs were PNGs ]Oo
Sure that would be easy for new users, but that's pretty much how my thought process goes now. I think to myself "I wish all my JPGs were PNGs" and almost magically out pops:
for i in `find ~ -name '*.jpg'`; do convert $i ${i%%jpg}png; done
Granted, it would have been much easier if I could have just hooked a probe up to my brain rather than going through the 10 years of learning....
[ July 31, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
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