Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Perfect UI

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Well, sort of, execpt a UI doesn't necessarily have to be graphically oriented like a GUI does (Graphical User Interface).  Hence my Bash prompt example is non graphical and I am just as happy there as anywhere.

i really like the 3d cube idea.

Master of Reality:
it would involve fire.

ultimate UI:


Voidmain you can go fondle your gay eunuchs prompt with commands like "finger" and "ramsize," but I prefer using a GUI.  No, I'm not stupid, it's just that computers seem so much more enjoyable to use these days compared to 20 years ago where everything was done on a blurry green screen prompt.  Maybe you relesh the old days because Bill Gates hadn't dominated the market with his wonderful products yet.

PS So how does this web page look under lynx?  I bet multitasking, photo editing, word processing, and file viewing are a lot easier under the command prompt, huh?  Well, I don't blame you, I mean, it's not like Linux has any capable GUI's anyway...

Master of Reality:
i am surprised he hasnt been banned yet.... especially after his stunts as "Mickey" and "Flaming Bag of Poo"


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