Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Land of the free: Oregon.

<< < (3/3)

[vote straight ticket and put them all in office]

Canada or (maybe) South America. Japan is off the list since I can't speak Japanese fluently yet.

We can all shack up at the North Pole. I'm going to email santa and ask him if we can stay at his workshop or something. Say, does anyone know santa's email address?  :confused:

Jeez. I live just outside of Portland, I have not heard of this story, but it really doesn't suprise me. Portland (Most Oregon residents, for that matter) are always trying to raise the bar for stupidity.

This story really makes me angry.

[ December 24, 2002: Message edited by: Heywood ]


quote:Originally posted by Macman: Mac Tro0per / boB:
We can all shack up at the North Pole. I'm going to email santa and ask him if we can stay at his workshop or something. Say, does anyone know santa's email address?   :confused:  
--- End quote ---

Yeah, it's [email protected] - shit, I got an idea. I'm going to email them with my wishlist!


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