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MS wasn't always bad...
Hector Headgear:
the DOS days were the glory days. Bill Gates was still *trying* to take over the world, and he hadn't yet succeeded. DOS was an operating system that was based on logical commands and direct access to files for manipulation. Games were simple yet fun, and you could do just about anything with your computer you wanted to. WHich is why I am building a DOS machine.
Windows 95 was a push from DOS 6.2 (the best DOS). Windows, for once, had become a stand-alone operating system, and that signaled the end of the great DOS era. Idiots could use computers, and look where it has taken us;
--Internet porn
--Online books of how to kill, bomb, or destroy
--Idiots allowed access to that information
--Support for those who have no right to own/operate a computer.
When windows 95 was introduced, the entire Infotech industry was doomed. Just because of a simple little program that replaced command.com.
Then came 98, which further eliminated DOS. And now..oh, dear lord, now...we have XP, basically AOL for an operating system. Microsoft has officially died. Logical procedures went out the window in favor of idiots double-clicking.
Yes, DOS was the days, and I hope you all don't hate those days, because they were the days when the computer was most useful. Information was exchanged via BBS's, and the internet was limited to that. But that was what made it great. And again, I hope you all realize that DOS was the reason the computer ever made it out of steve jobbs's drug-trafficking garage.
The beauty of DOS has long drawn me to older computers, and, as such, I have stuck with windows 95 for years. But even 95 takes too much away from the brilliance of DOS and Bill Gates's theft skills.
I encourage all savvy computer users to return to the command prompt--this is your call to arms. DOS awaits...opportunity knocks...don't leave it waiting.
Master of Reality:
you lucky bastard, i have found just the thing for you.
They call it..... "Linux"
it can be used from command prompt with ultimate access to anything you need or desire.
And as far as old BBS, ya gotta get yourself a Commodore 64 (or a 128) with a plugin modem, (fits right in the back of your keyboard).
I love my commodore 64, its too bad its currently "offline" due to a lose switch in the disk drive (needs some very careful souldering)
While I admit DOS is pretty cool. M$ did steal that too.
However, I think your a bit arogant to think you can dictate who and who shouldent be able to use a computer. If I recal corectly there was alot of inter-garbage circualting on the BBS's as well.
I don't know what drugs you are on, Hector, but you are obviously in desperate need of a good lashing. Did you seriously like the days of DOS, having to spend hours setting up simple things like a modem, things that takes seconds to do in any modern OS these days, including Linux? Did you enjoy it how every program had to have its own separate set of drivers to work?
quote: Yes, DOS was the days, and I hope you all don't hate those days, because they were the days when the computer was most useful.
--- End quote ---
Your testes must be impaled on a spike. You couldn't multitask worth a crap in DOS, and its prehistoric design would never allow such useful programs like Photoshop, Flash, Excel, AutoCAD, Maya, etc. to exist. If you want to use a command line, use *NIX. It is far more powerful and intuitive than DOS ever was, is a 32-bit envrionment, and gives you the freedom to switch to a complete text interface or (if you are feeling like an idiot) a GUI interface.
You have no right to say who should use a computer, and your head is so far up your ass that I say you have no business on one. Just because something is intuitive or easy to use does not mean it is for idiots.
You are nothing more than one of those retarded pissheads who go around saying "Real Men use DOS!!" If you enjoy torturing yourself on a sissy command prompt then fine, go about your archaic foolishness and let all of us "idiots" actually use our computers.
[ March 17, 2002: Message edited by: Garden GNOME ]
Master of Reality:
in fact, i believe that the commodore 64 (or 128) is far more useful than DOS.
Think about it:
- No drivers needed
- word processing and spreadsheet programs
- plug in your "extra" hardware in you keyboard(easy)
- literaly thousands of games for it (tho they are on disks)
- slow, 30 min. to finish a huge company spreadsheet, today it takes a minute.
- all programs on disk
- lower quality gaming
[ March 17, 2002: Message edited by: Druaga ]
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