Miscellaneous > The Lounge
MS wasn't always bad...
quote:the DOS days were the glory days. Bill Gates was still *trying* to take over the world, and he hadn't yet succeeded. DOS was an operating system that was based on logical commands and direct access to files for manipulation. Games were simple yet fun, and you could do just about anything with your computer you wanted to. WHich is why I am building a DOS machine.
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I think you are exaggerating.
DOS is a simplified version of UNIX (as far as the interface goes) with confusingly different commands et c.
DOS is much younger than UNIX, so maybe the UNIX days were the glory days.
btw M$ *was* always bad, just sometimes they weren't *as* bad. In the same way that after coming out of a rock concert, a usually noisy street is blissfully quiet, M$' past misdemeanours pale in comparison to their current de rigeur work ethic.
Folks, i can't see the part where he says who should and shouldn't use a computer, so i think you may have been a little harsh here...
that's my 1/50th of a dollar...
ps, mr headgear, you do know that you can set up yr linux shell so it can use dos commands don't you? (or so i gather anyway, never felt like doing it for some reason...) :D
[ March 18, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]
quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
Somewhere along the line the 386 machines came out and I built my own speed demon. It was "lightning fast" and I couldn't imagine computers ever needing to be more powerul than that.
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LOL I remember feeling the same way when I got my first 386. I simply could not imagine requiring anything more than that.
And I found this link with a picture of the old 1000TX:
[ March 18, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ][/QB]
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Nice Pics.
Well, when I was using DOS I was 8 years old, and it was very daunting trying to get the modem to work. To me it was confusing trying to find out my COM port and set the jumpers correctly and all that. I remember having a heinous time trying to set up a modem game in Descent. I also remember spending forever trying to connect to a bulletin board so I could download Commander Keen. Needless to say, the long distance bills exceeded the cost of the game.
Today, a 3 year old could set up an internet connection in Red Hat 7.2 / Win XP
[ March 19, 2002: Message edited by: Garden GNOME ]
Master of Reality:
when i was 6 i think i was using a C64..... before that i used a a vic20,i think i was 0-5.(i had an expansion card for that Vic20, it upgraded it...something like 8k?)
i think i have a pic of the V20 somewhere around here.
You guys make me sick. I was in high school when "Pong" came out. Spent hours bouncing the little white dot back and forth across the black & white TV screen.
[ March 19, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
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