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MS wasn't always bad...
quote:Originally posted by creedon:
WOOHOO!! Another Navy vet!! Let's get drunk and take over the forum!!!
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HEHEHE I remember those days well. We used to go into town after a few months at sea looking for women and trouble. Invariably we found both. I have quite a few missing teeth and some broken bones to attest to that fact. I loved uzo particularly. Now were talking a serious kick in the head or at least that is the way it felt the next morning.
quote:WOOOHOOO a Tandy 1000 I have not even thought about those in years.
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When I read that, I realized that we (my parents and I) used to own one of those. I'd completely forgotten about it. In fact, that was the only computer we owned until about 5 years ago. It didn't even have Internet access. When I go home over Easter, I think I'm going to dust it off (we still have it sitting in the basement) and see what remnants of my childhood I can find lying around inside of it . . . not that my childhood was all that long ago. It just seems to have slipped away so quickly. And the present seem so be going by even faster than the past did. (To all you "wiser" folks out there . . .) Does that ever stop? Or does the rate at which time passes increase with age? What a scary thought . . .
[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: Gonusto ]
Oh my god. I'm going to get slammed by all you old fart swabies. I was a lowly Air Force guy, 15 years. Spent 10 years as a crew chief on fighters and then got some senses and retrained into computer programming. Computers had an advantage of needing a climate controlled environment. Jets like extreme cold, hot, windy, rainy, dry, sandy type environments. And they like you to spend a lot of time with 'em. My body didn't care much for that environment (yeah I'm a wimp). At least it's nice to know I'm not the oldest one here. There are at least TWO of you older than me. Guess I gotta change my profile. I do have a couple of retired Navy buddies though. And one buddy is a retired Air Force full bird who served in WWII, Vietnam, and Korea (he just turned 81). He was a pilot and has an unlimited supply of great stories.
[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
Oh my god. I'm going to get slammed by all you old fart swabies. I was a lowly Air Force guy, 15 years. Spent 10 years as a crew chief on fighters and then got some senses and retrained into computer programming. Computers had an advantage of needing a climate controlled environment. Jets like extreme cold, hot, windy, rainy, dry, sandy type environments. And they like you to spend a lot of time with 'em. My body didn't care much for that environment (yeah I'm a wimp). At least it's nice to know I'm not the oldest one here. There are at least TWO of you older than me. Guess I gotta change my profile. I do have a couple of retired Navy buddies though. And one buddy is a retired Air Force full bird who served in WWII, Vietnam, and Korea (he just turned 81). He was a pilot and has an unlimited supply of great stories.
[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
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My section chief was one of the ORIGINAL Seabees. Y' should have seen him in dress uniform- he had so much gold braid and fuit salad, you couldn't see any blue.
BTW; I was in Spain for 2-1/2 years building a NATO airfield; I used to work with a lot of Air Force guys; they were pretty nice guys, but they couldn't drink for beans.
quote:Originally posted by Gonusto:
And the present seem so be going by even faster than the past did. (To all you "wiser" folks out there . . .) Does that ever stop? Or does the rate at which time passes increase with age? What a scary thought . . .
[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: Gonusto ]
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It goes faster with every year that passes. Get used to it.
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