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How much would you pay...

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everything i own of course but if its possible for international tv

<----------------------OMFG, 10 posts


quote:Originally posted by Macaddict:
...to kick Bill Gates in the balls?


What is the maximum amount of your hard-earned money you would be willing to part with to make Bill Gates cry out for his mommy?
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really nothing.
i already have washed this gnerd out of my life and my computer. if he thinks he's getting a kick in the nads from me too, he can dream on.


quote:Originally posted by Calum:

really nothing.
i already have washed this gnerd out of my life and my computer. if he thinks he's getting a kick in the nads from me too, he can dream on.
--- End quote ---

Oh pshaw. You mean to tell me you wouldn't pay, say, 1 turkish lira to kick Bill in the nads?
(1 Turkish lira being roughly 140,000th of a cent)

what about if we tied a string in front of some stairs and when he went down them he'd trip and everyone would say, "ha ha what a fucking dipshit" and then there'd be a video of it that would fly across the internet


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