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MS may be killing themselves
I went to Ebay today and looked at Windows OS's just to see how pricing is running.
Normally there are tons of the latest windows up for sale at high prices but today it was different.
DOS (all types) $7.50 to $15.00
Windows 95 average about $25 USD
Windows 98 average $60 to $85 USD
Windows NT average $30 to $300 USD The high end is server editions.
Windows ME average $35 to $65 USD
Windows 2000 average $150 to $600 USD The high end is server editions.
This tells me that alot of people are tired of XP already and are returning to versions of Windows that they trust.
IMHO I would say the most likely reasons for that are spyware and forced registration.
Of course the demand is there now so I am sure the Ebay vendors are very happy because they can now ask alot more for older versions of Windows.
I also find it hilarious that ME is less expensive than W98.
So it goes to prove that even people who don't know alot about computers know enough to quit using XP and are less likely to buy ME. HEHEH
Hmm, interesting. The OS has more worth than the computers you can put it on... :D :D ;)
This has been going on for some time now. The first indication that all was not well in the Land of Redmond, was this article from The Register that describes how M$ basically sold warez versions of their own Office XP. Usually, the special, cut-rate, student versions are only available at campus bookstores where you have to show a student ID. M$ was selling these versions at stores like Costco, Staples, etc. where anyone could buy them at student discount. :eek:
When I was doing system shopping, all the OEMs were offering systems with Win 98SE and Win ME for the same exact price as Win XP machines. You'd think you could get some sort of price break by getting the older, presumeably "obsolete" software, but you can't. Not only that, but Win 98SE has been reappearing on store shelves lately. They are charging, and getting, premium prices for it. How many other nearly four year old products go for the same price that they sold for when new? :eek:
You can't fool the people forever, and it seems M$ has reached their limit. FINALLY
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[ April 04, 2002: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]
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