Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Google has changed
did you notice?
It was already changed one month ago. You needed a code to see the new Google lay-out they where working on
It seems to be finished.
I bet they did it so that the "french military victories" Googlebomb wouldn't look as convincing. :D
I don't see why you guys give the French such a hard time, if it wasn't for them you'd be saluting Queen Elizabeth rather than the stars 'n' stripes.
At least we have good reason for frenchie hating, even then it's only banter, alot of americans take this shit quite seriously.
[ March 29, 2004: Message edited by: Tux ]
In the U.S. it's a sad joke.
It shows just how brainwashed people have become by the Idiot Son Of An Asshole (Bushy).
Freedom Fries. That's just stupid sounding, btw. How are they "for freedom". Freedom from what?
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