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y'know how when you drive down the freeway there are a lot of people who have a big US flag painted or something on the back window of there car/truck? I am sure these are bushy supporters. Becuase I have seen a lot of this lately, I have been thinking about putting a big french flag on the back of my car. Maybe I will take a drive though Texas with it.
he he that would be great, I'm gonna do that when i get a car
either that or put a partially burnt flag on it
This is an outrage that you would say suck terrible words, you young ruffian! It is very important in our society to shelter our children from the truth at all costs and not inform them till they are entering puberty themselves! Then after that we must closely control them and limit their access to such terrible words and other "truthful" things on television. Sadly, they will figure it out for themselves before the age of 20. The only thing we can do is ground them and take away all their rights so by the time they reach adulthood they have no idea how to fend for themselves and become serial killers and rapists.
Macman, a concerned parent
quote:Originally posted by Macman:
This is an outrage that you would say suck terrible words, you young ruffian! It is very important in our society to shelter our children from the truth at all costs and not inform them till they are entering puberty themselves! Then after that we must closely control them and limit their access to such terrible words and other "truthful" things on television. Sadly, they will figure it out for themselves before the age of 20. The only thing we can do is ground them and take away all their rights so by the time they reach adulthood they have no idea how to fend for themselves and become serial killers and rapists.
Macman, a concerned parent
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owa mac! living near redmond has really taken a toll on you... ;)
Canadian Lover:
quote:Originally posted by MindFlyer-Paladin9:
[QB I have been thinking about putting a big french flag on the back of my car. Maybe I will take a drive though Texas with it.[/QB]
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