Miscellaneous > The Lounge
we should have a counter to keep track of the number of converts we have under our belts. i am working on this windows guy. tonight, he asked about linux because i talk about it so much, and he wants to try it out. i let him borrow a machine and im going to give him redHat8 tomorrow. sweet. i think im at around 5-6 converts now. my biggest success so far: he is running osX & redHat8 and completely got rid o windows. dope as fuck.
right. thought i would share the magic, or something,
Me: "Er.. you know, Windows is really not a very good thing to have."
Potential Convert: "Sure, Bob. You keep on thinking that. Anyway, I was telling you about my graphics card..."
Me: "Er.. Linux is a free alternative and is much sturdier than Windows."
Potential Convert(looking amused): "Hahaha, silly old bob. anyway, those new joysticks look nice..."
Me: "Er.. maybe you should switch to Linux."
Potential Convert(laughing): "Everyone knows no one uses Linux. Why would you suggest that?"
Me: "Er.. because I like it."
Potential Convert(still chuckling): "Oh, and I suppose you use Linux?"
Me: "Well, um, actually I use Mac, but I--"
Potential Convert(hysterically laughing): "Mac?! macs are toys, everyone knows that! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
Me(pulling out katana): "Die you windows zombies!" (mercilessly hacking Windows users to bloody pieces)"MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! take that!"
That's pretty much how it goes every time I try to convert someone. Of course, sometimes the katana part doesn't happen. I'm just not good at motivational speaking, which is why i started a website.
People are creaturs of habit, its very hard for them to break out of their shell.
If trying to convert people to linux and mac is hard then try converting people to the Dvorak keyboard instead of QWERTY.
EDIT: changed lac to mac and whatever!
[ January 20, 2003: Message edited by: Crunchy(Cracked)Butter ]
[ January 20, 2003: Message edited by: Crunchy(Cracked)Butter ]
quote:Originally posted by Crunchy(Cracked)Butter:
If trying to convert people to liux and lac is hard...
--- End quote ---
Can't say I've ever tried that!
its not an easy task. People seem to get locked on what they know. So far I managed to convert two people out of a group of hmmm about 30-35.
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