Author Topic: Converts  (Read 816 times)


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« on: 20 January 2003, 14:29 »
we should have a counter to keep track of the number of converts we have under our belts. i am working on this windows guy. tonight, he asked about linux because i talk about it so much, and he wants to try it out. i let him borrow a machine and im going to give him redHat8 tomorrow. sweet. i think im at around 5-6 converts now. my biggest success so far: he is running osX & redHat8 and completely got rid o windows. dope as fuck.
right. thought i would share the magic, or something,


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« Reply #1 on: 20 January 2003, 16:17 »
Me: "Er.. you know, Windows is really not a very good thing to have."

Potential Convert: "Sure, Bob. You keep on thinking that. Anyway, I was telling you about my graphics card..."

Me: "Er.. Linux is a free alternative and is much sturdier than Windows."

Potential Convert(looking amused): "Hahaha, silly old bob. anyway, those new joysticks look nice..."

Me: "Er.. maybe you should switch to Linux."

Potential Convert(laughing): "Everyone knows no one uses Linux. Why would you suggest that?"

Me: "Er.. because I like it."

Potential Convert(still chuckling): "Oh, and I suppose you use Linux?"

Me: "Well, um, actually I use Mac, but I--"

Potential Convert(hysterically laughing): "Mac?! macs are toys, everyone knows that! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Me(pulling out katana): "Die you windows zombies!" (mercilessly hacking Windows users to bloody pieces)"MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! take that!"

That's pretty much how it goes every time I try to convert someone. Of course, sometimes the katana part doesn't happen. I'm just not good at motivational speaking, which is why i started a website.


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« Reply #2 on: 20 January 2003, 18:23 »
People are creaturs of habit, its very hard for them to break out of their shell.

If trying to convert people to linux and mac is hard then try converting people to the Dvorak keyboard instead of QWERTY.

EDIT: changed lac to mac and whatever!

[ January 20, 2003: Message edited by: Crunchy(Cracked)Butter ]

[ January 20, 2003: Message edited by: Crunchy(Cracked)Butter ]


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« Reply #3 on: 20 January 2003, 18:29 »
Originally posted by Crunchy(Cracked)Butter:
If trying to convert people to liux and lac is hard...

Can't say I've ever tried that!
As sure as eggs is eggs.


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« Reply #4 on: 20 January 2003, 21:38 »
its not an easy task. People seem to get locked on what they know. So far I managed to convert two people out of a group of hmmm about 30-35.


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« Reply #5 on: 20 January 2003, 22:06 »
To be honest I'm getting kind of bored converting people, or trying. The point is most of them just do not understand. It is quite simple I just use my computer and laugh when they tell me how much they just spent, or need to spend to keep their computer safe, how they have to reboot, all the time, etc. etc.

When they ask questions about other stuff, I'll help, when they try to convert I'll help, when they ask me to solve yet another issue with M$ products, I'll tell them, sorry I don't work for M$.

Fuck 'em and feed 'em, 'cos I don't need 'em.

In the subtle words of Cypress Hill.
Tough - Adapt or die : Read The Fucking Manual.

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« Reply #6 on: 20 January 2003, 22:36 »
You know what really fucking pisses me off??

 Why the hell I am forced to push an OS in my throat, that is so fucking stupid that cant work with other OSs???
   Open force doesnt do that.


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« Reply #7 on: 20 January 2003, 22:43 »
So anyway Bazoukas, I am, and correct me if I am wrong, detecting this oh so subtle underlying feeling of... let me think... ah yes ... of ... Anger? would it be... yes ... that's it there is a definate feeling of anger coming over in your posts ... hmm ... oh angry for no reason ... I see ... lets do a little test. Tell me what comes into your mind after I say these words.


***waits whilst screaming and shouting dies down, after some hours goes out for a cup of tea, comes back sits down and waits whilst Bazoukas puts office back together***

So angry for a reason then?  :D    :D    :D
Tough - Adapt or die : Read The Fucking Manual.

Local Area Network in Australia: the LAN down under.


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« Reply #8 on: 20 January 2003, 22:48 »
Three. Two of them were Windows users who were interested (I got a fourth one to run NetBSD for a while), the other one was just pure luck. I also gave a Macie a YHL CD.


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« Reply #9 on: 20 January 2003, 23:11 »
Originally posted by Linux Frank:
So anyway Bazoukas, I am, and correct me if I am wrong, detecting this oh so subtle underlying feeling of... let me think... ah yes ... of ... Anger? would it be... yes ... that's it there is a definate feeling of anger coming over in your posts ... hmm ... oh angry for no reason ... I see ... lets do a little test. Tell me what comes into your mind after I say these words.


***waits whilst screaming and shouting dies down, after some hours goes out for a cup of tea, comes back sits down and waits whilst Bazoukas puts office back together***

So angry for a reason then?   :D      :D      :D  

LOLOLOL. You just opened the Pandora Box.


I refuse to use windshit because:

-It doesnt give out Basic apps for free (Office, compilers and so on), and of course people will pirate them which ends up biting everybodys ass -TCPA-.

-Freedom of choice. I want to use Linux. Wnshit is so stupid it cant talk with other OSs.

-I want to stay crash free and error free. Winshit after some months of use just explodes like a bag of horseshit.

-Why should I beg and wait for months and months like a ho to a company for fixes? Oh I forgot they call them upgrades? Excuse me am TUPID.

-PORTABILITY. QT TROLL can code apps for every major OS out there. .NET cant do shit compared to QT troll.

 All the rest of the SCIENTIFIC community uses standard tools and yet these jackasses want to reinvet everything.  They cant make their OS from not killing it self (BSOD) or their servers from not being hacked but yet they want to establish C# as the next HOT THING that DOESNT WORK IN ANYTHING ELSE BESIDES WINSHIT.

-Why should I trust a company that doesnt even use  their own products? Hotmail rings a bell?

-ONLY WORKS WITH WIN98-ME.   Or  Only works with WIN2k-XP.     Where is the fucking logic with that??  

-IE.  A STOLEN Software.  Funny cause last time I heard, MicroShit was against Piracy.

-TABS!!!!! Where the hell are my TABS in Winshit? Where is shading? I dont want to open 10 different windows on my desktop. For fucks sake already. Give me TABS at least.

-"This driver will not work with XP. Please try installing another driver".  And how the fuck would you know what works and what doesnt work? You cant even read other FSs other than your own you dumbshit.

-Jo white trash smo MS expert says " You need an AV, you need Ghost, You need GO back, You need Partition Magic, you need a Firewall".
-Me: With that kind of money I might as well go buy me a Wife.
-Jo white trash smo MS expert says "Download them from a P2p program".


 So i guess you are correct. I do have a reason  :D
Look at my name now.  :D