Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Message to Panos
You cant block my IP because...
1) The webmaster is lazy.
2) I wasnt filling it with crap, but then people started bitching again, so i changed my name and started filling it with crap.
3) Everytime people bitch it just makes me feel more important.
We need the mods to delete his stuff before anyone can respond to it, but Calum is away and I haven't seen Stryker for a while.
Canadian Lover:
He's now knoned as "Thy killer of three good threads".
I have decided not to post trollposts anymore, if you have a problem with somthing i write, well its my opinion, and if you dont like that, then to bad.
Macman says im a troll because he is so biased and obssessed with his own opinions.
Well then X I think its time you got that Post number back in the thousands.
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