Miscellaneous > The Lounge
School Competition
This is a competition for all the people here that are either still in school or just out of school (high school, uni whatever).
Post the link to your schools web page. There are two categories the best and the worst.
I'm going for the best sevenoaks it may take a little while to load though
well mine is in my sig. but just incase people are really that incompetent heres the link
[ November 28, 2002: Message edited by: jrigby ]
well i left high school in 1995 and college in 1996, but this topic prompted me to actually go and check if those venerable institutions actually have web pages! and guess what they (kind of) do.
here's the 'under construction' page of my erstwhile high school
and here's the website of my erstwhile college
I think they can both be nominated for the WORST however my particular worst vote goes to the Thurso College site (the 2nd one). click on the 'click here to enter button' to find out why. [edit - you're supposed to find yourself here.]
[ November 26, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]
w00t! I'm fucking homeschooled, which means that even if my academic organisation had a website, it would be hovering somewhere between "Blowing Goats" and "NSA homepage"
That reminds me of something, but I can't quite remember . . .
well, i graduated in 2000. so i guess i qualify as right out of high school. here is my old high schools web page
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