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Microsoft is harassing me

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I was able to figure out someone's password and now Microsoft has placed "things" on my computers both at home and at work.  I work as a paralegal doing securities litigation and am currently investigating one of their own, I feel like I have no privacy. They must be impressed with my work because they've been on my computers for a month now.  I was hoping that it was the government or the SEC, but it's them.  Did you know that Bill Gates' dad is a partner if the firm of Preston Gates in the Silicon Valley?  If you can't get a hold of Bill send an email to his dad.  I just don't know what to do.  I really do believe that the Internet is anarchy.  :confused:

Switch to Linux, it's perfect for paranoids such as yourself.

I'm not paranoid, yet.  I just want to know why every day there are "collected data" files with an .XML extension on my hard drive.  Actually I took my computer to Best Buy it was tagged as "dirty" and when I brought it home I found a new hard drive installed (which I wasn't charged for).  What do you think of that?  How do you switch to the other?  I've changed all of their access to adobe because I know that't not them.

Try a Mac, it may be a bit pricier, but Linux is very difficult if you've never used a Unix OS before.  I don't get 99% of it and I've been trying to figure it out for several years now.

First off, I also recommend doing what everyone else says here. Use linux or buy a mac. If neither of those are within your immediate reach, Tiny personal firewall 2.0 works well. Controls access for every program to the outside world. And if anything tries to get through that it doesn't know about, it alerts you and tells you what it is and where it wants to go (I think...). But if you do have the funds, go for both. Get a mac and install linux on it.  


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