Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Microsoft is harassing me

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i didn't dead thread it, it's just that people have been moaning a lot that i fail to dead thread a lot of topics, so i thought for a while i would post a note to all threads that i think should be dead threaded. that way if people continue moaning, then i really will start dead threading them all.

as for that stuff about slashdot, i don't understand why this particular case is getting under your skin! why don't you just pm or email him if you want more info?

Because thats why we have a forum, so we can "discuss" things, sadly Dickheads like you scared all the smart people away.

It might just be one less.

if they're so smart, they won't be scared simply by dickheads. i really am puzzled about why you have such a goana in your akubra about this particular thread!

X11 is the dickhead if you ask me  :D

i'm not saying a word!   ;)  

on an unrelated issue, are you aware that your signature reads:  
quote:my uptime: error
--- End quote ---

edit: on another unrelated note, is /usr/bin/Maniaman really a symlink to /usr/bin/maniaman?

[ March 28, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: literally a dickhead ]


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