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Microsoft is harassing me

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quote:Billy Gates:
I don't get 99% of it (Linux) and I've been trying to figure it out for several years now
--- End quote ---

Oh come on, that's just fucking lame Billy. And we've got a paralegal being stalked by MS? That's even funnier.

You are suffering from some sort of mass hysteria complex where MS is soooo evil that they will stalk you, a lone paralegal, and you are too dumb to do anything about it. Some people in here are too slow to realize that Windows can be secured from "just anyone", even Microsoft, entering your system. And they say "switch to Linux"; yeah like Linux comes nice and secure out of the box too right? Wrong. Bashing MS out of envy won't solve a damn thing.

Let Bill Gates count his money and fuck with paralegals all he wants. It's time to stop bitching and start doing something to futher develop Linux and open source so that people will have no choice but to notice Linux as king of the PC world.

Master of Reality:
what!!... why arent you paranoid.... you should be. Just because i'm paranoid doesnt mean they're not out to get me. I recommend switching to Linux (http://www.redhat.com) which will be quite a lot more secure.

You think this is funny.  The guy I'm investigating wrote a program while at Xeror called Gypsy, then it was called Bravo, today it's called Microsoft Word.


your first statement seems quite lost and redundant. who is it addressed to for a start? Master of Realisty? he didn't seem to be finding it funny. the reader? if so, how do you know? somebody else? who is it?

as for who you're investigating, what difference does it make to the answers and replies you might get here?

my personal advice is that if i were investigating somebody working for microsoft and i was connecting my computer to the internet, i would probably have erased any microsoft software off it beforehand and got an operating system that does what you tell it. now if you think that means i find this situation "funny" then i really would like you to explain why to me.


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