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Microsoft is harassing me

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i think it's stretching it a bit to claim that linux is difficult. still, if you can afford it, get a mac, if you don't want to use up much time learning how to work your new system (macOS is more similar to windows in terms of interface than a lot of the linux interfaces).

You dickheads, we could have a good article and you people are just going to scare him away with you get a mac bit, your all dickheads.

Anyway, can you email me some of the files so I can see if there actually harmfull?
[email protected]


quote:Originally posted by fishcandrown:
I'm not paranoid, yet.  I just want to know why every day there are "collected data" files with an .XML extension on my hard drive.  Actually I took my computer to Best Buy it was tagged as "dirty" and when I brought it home I found a new hard drive installed (which I wasn't charged for).  What do you think of that?  How do you switch to the other?  I've changed all of their access to adobe because I know that't not them.
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Thats very weird, it may be someone at best buy who put a trojan on your system or somthing. (A trojan is a program that runs without you knowing, allowing your system to be open to an internet attack.

Parhaps if I had your IP address I could do a portscan and see what is open.

If you want goto the "Command Prompt" and type "netstat" and post the results.

And nevermind those other people, they are dickheads as I said earlier, and I cant wait for some great balls of fire (as in people insulting me on the forum).


quote:Originally posted by X11:
You dickheads, we could have a good article and you people are just going to scare him away with you get a mac bit, your all dickheads.

Anyway, can you email me some of the files so I can see if there actually harmfull?
[email protected]
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that's pretty pathetic comment coming from you, x11.

i can't figure out if you are really trying to help this guy or if you just want his ip address and so on in order to trash his system.

(that'll make him paranoid now even if you are trying to be helpful!   ;)   ) still, it doesn't help your case much that you called everybody else dickheads.

edit: incidentally, this thread looks dead, and if i were being ruthless today i would have binned it.

[ March 28, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: crusader for justice & peace ]


quote:Originally posted by Calum: crusader for justice & peace:

that's pretty pathetic comment coming from you, x11.

i can't figure out if you are really trying to help this guy or if you just want his ip address and so on in order to trash his system.

(that'll make him paranoid now even if you are trying to be helpful!    ;)    ) still, it doesn't help your case much that you called everybody else dickheads.

edit: incidentally, this thread looks dead, and if i were being ruthless today i would have binned it.

[ March 28, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: crusader for justice & peace ]
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We could have found somthing in XP, and your going to dead thread it.



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